The Solemn Te Deum at the Annunciation

Fr. Carl Reid chanted the Te Deum in Latin this morning after Mass on the Solemnity of the Chair of St. Peter.  The Ostensorium displaying the Blessed Sacrament is a gift from Companions of the Cross Moderator Fr. Scott McCaig, as is our new tabernacle.

Beautiful!   Incense, too.

What happened in your ordinariate parish today?


IMFC Prendergast Chair st Peter 106

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2 Responses to The Solemn Te Deum at the Annunciation

  1. Pingback: The Solemn Te Deum at the Annunciation | Catholic Canada

  2. Rev22:17 says:


    You wrote: Fr. Carl Reid chanted the Te Deum in Latin this morning after Mass on the Solemnity of the Chair of St. Peter.

    The following paragraph appears in the recent directive from the ordinariate pertaining to the celebration of the Solemnity of the Chair of St. Peter in the congregations of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

    The Ordinary and the Ordinariate community is aware that the Te Deum is not usually heard during Lent. However, February 22 is the Ordinariate’s Titular Solemnity and should be kept as such according to the Particular Calendar approved by the Holy See. The Te Deum is rightly proclaimed; Friday abstinence may be dispensed; the liturgical color is white; and the Gloria and Creed are said or sung at Mass (the Alleluia is omitted, as throughout the season).

    The norms for celebration herein actually apply to all solemnities that fall during the season of Lent, whether they are in the general calendar of the Roman Rite or a proper calendar. Two solemnities in the general calendar — the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Husband of Mary, on 19 March and the Solemnity of the Annunciation on 25 March — normally fall during this season.

    With regard to abstinance, no dispensation is necessary. Rather, the Codex Juris Canonici (Code of Canon Law) actually stipulates that the discipline of abstinance is never observed on any solemnity that fall on a Friday. Since there is no obligation to abstinance in the first place, there is nothing to dispense.

    As I noted in a previous thread, solemnities that are impeded by days of higher liturgical precedence transfer to the first subsequent unimpeded day — normally the next day if they fall on Ash Wednesday or a Sunday of a privileged season. This year, however, 25 March is the Monday of Holy Week. Note that (1) the days of Holy Week up to Holy Thursday, (2) the Paschal Triduum, and (3) the week of the Octave of Easter are all of higher liturgical precedence, so the Solemnity of the Annuncation transfers two full weeks (!), to 08 April, because that the first subsequent unimpeded day.


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