The reception of Tyendinaga’s Mohawk Territory’s Christ the King parish April 22

(Fr) Doug Hayman (I put the Fr. in parentheses because he is in a lay state now after being received into the Catholic Church but it feels awful, frankly, to just call him, or our former Bishops just by their names—yet at the same time I want to be obedient as a new Catholic) and his wife Carolyn attended the reception of the former Anglican Catholic Church of Canada reception into the Catholic Church April 22.

Here is his report.  I have added some information in [brackets]:

The service was at Holy Name of Mary Catholic Church in Marysville at 3:00 p.m.. [Kingston]  Archbishop [Brendan] O’Brien preached and administered Confirmation/Anointing/Reception, but it was the priest from St. Michael’s, Belleville, [Ontario] Fr. Richard Whalen, who celebrated the Mass: “Anglican Use”; i.e. Book of Divine worship as adapted for Canada, mostly as used on the 15th in Ottawa.   Fr. Whalen had been appointed as Mentor Priest for Christ the King through the process of preparation, and he also turns out to one who celebrates the Latin Mass, so the eastward-facing posture was neither new nor uncomfortable for him.  The Rector of the Parish (i.e. Marysville), Fr. Dale Wright assisted him, and Fr. John Uttley (Anglican Diocese of Ontario, Music Director at St. Thomas’ Church Belleville, and someone well known to the Mohawks, for he has accompanied their choir on other occasions) played the organ.

(Fr.) Gerard Trinque [the former ACCC priest for the group] prepared the booklet for the service, chose the hymns and served at the Mass.  The hymns were great: Thy Hand, O God, has Guided (Thornbury); The Lord’s My Shepherd (Crimmond); Alleluia!  Sing to Jesus! (Hyfrydol); Thou, Who at Thy First Eucharist Didst Pray (Song 1 [Gibbons]) and Sing of Mary (Hermon).  We also had a Post-Communion Mohawk Hymn sung a capella. 
A couple of additions to the service, in keeping with the context, were: the Lord’s Prayer offered first in Mohawk then in English; a collect for the Queen; and we closed with the BCP Collect from “Prayers to be used at Sea”, p.634 “O LORD, support us all the day long of this troublous life, …” a prayer with which I have always been asked to end when I have celebrated the service there.  (Fr.) Gerard also chose to use the Douay Rheims translation for the lessons. 
Being among the Mohawks, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha the “Lily of the Mohawks” was remembered in prayer, and flowers in the sanctuary were in her honour.  It was noted in the bulletin that her “Birthday into Heaven” was celebrated on April 17th, and that she is scheduled to be canonized D.G. on October 21st, 2012.
I believe that there were 13 people received at the service, but a number of others were already Roman Catholic, and some of them acted as sponsors.  There were others present from the wider Church Community, but we were invited to sit up near the front with the Mohawks, so I’m not sure how many people were there (“dozens” would probably capture it).  There was no reception at the Church, but there was a typical (in my experience of that Mohawk community) post-service feast on at Dan and Dolores Whalen’s place, and we joined the Archbishop, Fr. Richard & Fr. John Uttley and an extended aboriginal community there.
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7 Responses to The reception of Tyendinaga’s Mohawk Territory’s Christ the King parish April 22

  1. Rev22:17 says:


    You wrote: (Fr) Doug Hayman… and his wife Carolyn attended the reception of the former Anglican Catholic Church of Canada reception into the Catholic Church April 22.

    More fantastic news! A hearty “Welcome Aboard!” to the newly Catholic community in Tyendinaga!

    And thank you for posting this.


  2. Don Henri says:

    Nice to see an ACC Priest friendly toward ordinariate people… Who knows, perhaps he’ll board the ship too!

    + PAX et BONUM

  3. Peter Karl T. Perkins says:

    Actually, ‘Mr.’ is an honourable title and much to be cherished. There was a time when most adult males went just by their surnames, as in “Smith, hand me that saw”. Deacons are properly called by Mr., despite all this ‘Father Deacon’ nonsense invented out of thin air after the Council, and then promoted, in particular, by Eastern Catholics. A deacon is properly ‘Mr. Smith’. Period.

    I agree, though, that it is difficult to think of former TAC clerics by the title of Mr. if they were priests or bishops. I have real trouble with that. But I suppose that it prepares for the happy day of ordination for some of them. As for the rest, since we must get used to it, let’s members that the tiltle of Mr. is honourable and good.


  4. Peter Karl T. Perkins says:

    I assume that the Confratenity edn. of the D.-R. was used. Let’s hope it becomes standard in Canada rather than the 2nd edn. of the R.S.V., although I would prefer to see the King James so as to preserve Anglican patrimony, which must be always protected and valued in the new structures.


  5. EPMS says:

    Do you or other readers have any updates on this community? For the past few years the weekly services held at Christ Church, Her Majesty’s Royal Chapel of the Mohawks, have been advertised in the monthly Tyendinaga newsletter, archived here and these advertisements have given a brief explanation of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter and contact information for Gerard Trinque. Then in April the advertisements started referrIng to the “Open Catholic Church” and a new contact person was named, Murray O’Coin, about whom one can read here Now services are no longer advertised. Is the community meeting elsewhere?

  6. EPMS says:

    A new version of the ad appears in the latest newsletter (November) mentioning the Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter, and naming Mr O’Coin as the Eucharistic Minister, but not giving the time or place of services. The address given on the OCSP “Parish Finder” is that of All Saints Church, the Anglican church on the reserve. I believe that Her Majesty’s Chapel of the Mohawks is now only used for special services.

  7. EPMS says:

    Latest ad makes no reference to the Ordinariate, but does give the time and place of the Sunday service of the Christ the King community, which I have to regard as a crucial element of any church publicity. I assume that the Christ Church named in the ad is Her Majesty’s Chapel of the Mohawks, although this is not the same address as that given on the OCSP website.

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