Crisis Magazine has good critique of Kasperian view

Here’s an excerpt of an interesting analysis by Monica Miglioriono Miller at Crisis Magazine:

The initial Interim Report or relatio post disceptationem, ignited serious controversy due to its vague terminology, ambiguous articulation of moral doctrine, a near failure to mention sin or the need for conversion, and its apparent willingness to accommodate the Gospel to the spirit of the age with an emphasis on the so-called “law of gradualism.” Msgr. Charles Pope in his fine critique of gradualism explains:

Gradualism is a way in which we meet people where they are and seek gradually to draw them more deeply into the true life of a Christian. All of us who have journeyed toward Christ realize that we have not always been where we are today, and that future growth is necessary. Growth usually happens in stages and by degrees, ideally leading us more deeply to Christ.

Matthew 19 and the “Law of Gradualism”
A major argument of the Interim Report holds that the law of gradualism would permit the divorced and remarried, without benefit of annulment, to receive the Eucharist. No matter where this whole thing is headed, it is important to understand the way in which the Kasper faction argues this position—a theological position that affects not only the issue of Holy Communion for the divorced and remarried but many other Catholic moral teachings, such as co-habitation, artificial birth control and homosexual unions to mention just three that were taken up by the draft report and still linger in the final Synod report.

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1 Response to Crisis Magazine has good critique of Kasperian view

  1. Joe Mroz says:

    I was discussing gradualism and the Theology of the Body the other day. My interlocutor said that one of the negative consequences of the TOB was that such a focus was put on the glory of saving sex for marriage that people rushed into marriage to start having sex (to put it briefly and bluntly). I replied that this might be a case where gradualism could be applied. Let the couple – with a well informed conscience, if they’ve been studying the TOB – get married, even with such a motive. Then let them spend their lives exploring the other values and motifs of marriage. It’s like making wine – the original fermentation can be quite active, but the maturity and fullness of the wine happens during the time – months, years – when fermentation is slowed down.

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